Monday, May 16, 2016

It's the Week Before Finals: De-Stress!

When you need to relax between study sessions or take a break from research, drop by the library lobby and play one of our board games, available May 17, Tuesday, through May 26, Thursday.

Good luck on your finals and congratulations to the Class of 2016!

And don't forget during finals week: Free light breakfast available in A-102, May 23-26 (Monday through Thursday).

Monday, May 02, 2016

Need More Whiteboard Space? You've Got It!

If you're looking for more whiteboard space in the library's group study rooms, come to the reference desk and we'll help you wheel one (or more) whiteboards into your study room. Whiteboards are double-sided and come in two sizes: large (4' x 6') and small (3' x 4'). The surfaces are magnetic so you can easily post your materials on the whiteboard. The reference librarians can provide you with dry erase markers and erasers if needed.

See how these students made full use of their group study room's whiteboard space!

P.S. When using the group study rooms, please make sure to erase your work on the whiteboards before you leave. The next group will thank you for the courtesy!