To all of Rio's new and returning students, welcome to the 2011-2012 school year! More than 17,000 of you have already found your way to the library during the first two weeks of the Fall semester, and we are delighted that you took the time to walk over to the Learning Resource Center despite the construction in the upper and middle quad.
Those of you who have already visited us in the 2nd floor of the LRC know that we have computers which you can use for school-related work, whether it's registering for courses, looking up your textbooks and class readings or e-mailing instructors. More than 30 PCs are available by reservation for 90-minutes at a time in the library's Computer Commons. In addition, during these first weeks we have made an overflow area available in LR-224 for your use during the busiest times of the day.
Best of all, librarians and staff are available to answer your questions, help you find your way around campus and tell you about all the library services we offer to help you succeed in college!
A big welcome too to new and returning faculty! As always, we invite you to bring in your students for a library instruction session that will acquaint them with the library resources and services that they will soon be using for class assignments. In the first two weeks alone, we had already received close to 40 requests for instruction sessions. If you haven't scheduled one yet, please fill out a library instruction request form. We look forward to meeting you and your students here in the library!
As we sail on to the 4th week of classes, here's a reminder of who our first-year student is. Have a successful Fall semester!