Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Hey you! Yes, you!
...are you looking for some library research help??

Why not check out the Quick Drop-In Tutorials for Spring 2009 at the Library on the 3rd floor?!

Here are the topics to choose from: or go to the Workshop Webpage.

Find Books – FAST!

Be a Super-Googler!

Time Saving Computer Tips for Research

What the Heck is a “Citation?”

"Can I Use This?" Junk on the Net

Research Sources that Win Your Paper an 'A'

With BOTH the Federal stimulus plan and State Budget passed in their respective legislative bodies, the fiscal concerns of the nation and state are at the moment relieved. For Community College students, this is a welcomed relief...

Community Colleges See Stimulus Bill as Bonanza for the Students

The bill, which President Obama is expected to sign today, would also broaden the Trade Adjustment Assistance program and programs authorized by the Workforce Investment Act by allowing community colleges to participate in them more directly.

The stimulus package would provide $3.95-billion for the Department of Labor to spend on training and employment services. Almost $3-billion of that amount would support programs under the Workforce Investment Act, a 1998 law that provides vouchers to individual students to use for job training.

Read more here at the Chronicle of Higher Education

Thursday, February 05, 2009

With Financial aid and employment struggling in the new year of 2009 for college students, are you as a college student getting your money's worth?

As a former community college student who transferred to the University of California system ... you get what you put into it...so make the most of your college experience to prepare for your future (but remember to enjoy yourself too!)

Community Colleges: Cheaper but Not Necessarily Better
January 09,2009 05:05 PM ET By Kim Clark

As the economy sours and tuition at four-year schools rises, more and more students are considering low-cost public community colleges. Counselors across the country warn, however, that sometimes students get what they pay for.Read the rest of the article...