Welcome back to Rio Hondo College Library! This is going to be an exciting semester for us. Besides offering TWO sections of Library 101 "Fundamentals of Research" - one online and one face-to-face, we are starting to plan for our big move to the new library building. The new LRC is scheduled to open in spring 2009 but there are many things to think about in order to make the transition smooth and problem-free.
As though you don't already have it up to here with study, courses, teaching, writing, reading; BUT - here is an idea for that rainy day when there is nothing on TV. MIT's Open Courseware offerings are fascinating and TOTALLY FREE. If you are a lifelong learner, you will want to peruse their courses. There are readings, lecture notes, media, - everything you need to complete a course. If you're an instructor, you might even get some ideas for your own courses...