Wednesday, September 27, 2006

All this education has got to pay off sometime, right?

Have a look at Tomorrow's Jobs - a web page on the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics web site. "This chapter presents highlights of Bureau of Labor Statistics projections of the labor force and occupational and industry employment that can help guide your career plans."

There are charts, graphs, and statistics galore, spelling out how many factors go into the demand for certain job categories. Last modified December 2005.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Concept mapping, mind mapping, visual therauri - are you seeing a connection here? We really like all the new tools/applications that are coming out that use a visual approach to relationships. Here are some interesting ones to try out:

Visual Thesaurus

Grokker Look at the Map View as well as the Outline View.

Kartoo A metasearch engine

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

~~~ Free, DROP-In Internet Workshops start this week ~~~

Have a look at the workshop schedule on the library web site and make plans to attend one or more.

These workshops are designed to be casual, practical, and informative hands-on sessions.Ideally, the workshops will supplement or augment tools and strategies you learned about in your class orientation.