Wednesday, March 31, 2004

Interesting Web site: The Independent Television Service (ITVS) has produced an enormously interesting and timely mini-series now screening on PBS called "The New Americans." The series follows the stories of immigrants from the Dominican Republic, Nigeria, the West Bank of Palestine, Mexico and India as they try to come to grips with the realities of living in the United States. It is compulsive viewing that will broaden and enrich your appreciation for the struggle that many immigrants undergo to follow their dreams to America.

The official web site for the series is well-designed and full of educational activites, guides, and other materials that will help people to start wrestling with the problems and challenges of immigrants in their own communities. The 'Resources for Further Research' will help focus attention on various aspects of the immigrant experience and is highly recommended!

Thursday, March 18, 2004

Interesting Web site: Sometimes, at the Reference Desk, we get asked about tessellations. is a fascinating Web site that gives many examples of tessellations by the author of the site as well as those by M.C. Escher, a major artist associated with this artform. Mathematicians, designers, graphic artists, and people who love patterns of any kind will enjoy this Web site! For additional information and designs, you will also want to have a look at Totally Tessellated. It's addictive!

Thursday, March 11, 2004

If you are doing a research paper on the topic of Same-Sex Marriage, here is another helpful Web site. "50-state rundown on gay marriage laws" is hosted by It provides an overview of current legislation and proposals to change state marriage laws. You will also want to look at our subject guide on Gay Rights for additional resources.

Another potential "Hot Topic" to consider for a paper is the upcoming effort to reform Worker's Compensation in California. This Web site from the Institute of Governmental Studies at the University of California is a wonderful resource. It gives an overview of the current legislation, the "basics" of worker's comp, worker's comp and the Schwarzenegger Administration, and links to additional web sites, journal articles and books.