Library News: Our problems with WebCat may soon be over! Once the routers have been re-set this morning, WebCat should be accessible again. Sorry for the long wait!
Here is a handy little tool -- the One-Look Reverse Dictionary. According to the instructions, if you type in a concept (can either be single keywords, phrases or a question), you will get back a list of words and phrases related to that concept. For example, I input "satirical play" and got a list of words, among them spoof, comedy, parody, burlesque, mime, ridicule, etc. You can also download a neat little utility that works with the Internet Explorer browser. It allows you to right-click on any highlighted word in a web page to get its definition. The definition comes from the OneLook Dicionary which in turn relies on definitions from 964 online dictionaries! To find and download the utility, click here.