Thursday, April 29, 2004

Interesting Web site: A mixed report from the organization Children Now is now available. Fall Colors 2003-04 presents both an overview of the state of racial and gender diversity for the current prime-time season and a five-year longitudinal report on the progress, or lack thereof, that has been made towards achieving a truly diverse prime-time world. A summary of findings from the report indicates "that representations of Asian and Pacific Islander characters declined, Latino and Middle Eastern characters often were typecast and Native American characters were absent. In addition, male characters outnumbered their female counterparts nearly two to one, while females tended to be younger." The findings also concluded that " in previous years, the study found that the 8 o'clock hour, when children are most likely to be watching, was the least diverse hour of programming on prime time. Similarly, situation comedies, the most popular genre among kids, were the least likely to have racially-mixed casts."


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