Tuesday, February 03, 2004

Interesting Web site: Rip Off 101 is a report from the California Public Interest Group, which is "... an advocate for the public interest. When consumers are cheated, or the voices of ordinary citizens are drowned out by special interest lobbyists, CALPIRG speaks up and takes action." Happily for all of us, they have taken action on the ABOMINABLE and INDEFENSIBLE cost of textbooks! The report found that faculty and students support alternatives that lower students’ costs and maintain quality, among other findings. In conjunction with the CALPIRG report, Assemblymember Carol Liu (D - La Canada Flintridge) announced she will introduce legislation to reduce out-of-control textbook costs. The three components of the measure will:
* Encourage publishers to provide 'unbundled' materials
* Encourage publishers to explain why new editions are necessary
* Encourage faculty to consider price when making textbook selection decisions

It's about time!


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