Tuesday, January 13, 2004

Welcome back to Spring Semester, 2004! We hope that you enjoyed whatever you did over the holidays. We'd like to call your attention to several new recreational reading additions to our Periodicals Collection: Hola- a weekly magazine published in Spain that covers European royal families and American and European celebrities; TV y Novelas - a biweekly magazine featuring the world of Hispanic soap operas and television stars; and People en Espanol - the monthly Spanish language version of People Magazine. We are transitioning to open access of our periodicals collection, which means that students will be able to browse freely among the periodicals shelves in the near future.

Laptop loans will begin again in the near future. The Public Safety Department has made a generous loan of some 30 laptops to the library, which will be be used in our orientations and workshops and for individual loan on the 3rd floor only at this point.

The WebCat access problem just won't go away! Additional firewalls were installed on the college network over the break, and this has rendered WebCat inaccessible again. The problem is being worked on, however!

Finally, how about checking out our Spring schedule of FREE Internet & Research Workshops. They will be held every Tuesday from 1:00 - 2:15 pm in the 3rd floor Gallery, beginning on January 27. These workshops provide hands-on exercises and go into greater depth on many topics that are essential for good study and research habits.


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